Believe it or not, even in 2020, some offices are still overrun with paper documents. Despite all of the technology available to us capable of optimizing our workflows, many companies still rely on inefficient paper processes when doing business. If you’re one of these organizations managing and working with paper documents and other hard copy files, you must be unfamiliar with the benefits of converting your records to digital versions with the help of a document scanner. If that’s the case, here’s what you can expect to realize by digitizing your documents and converting your workplace to a paper-light office.

When your files are digitized and stored electronically rather than in paper form, you’ll reduce the amount of time your employees spend retrieving documents. Instead of futilely searching through file cabinets and folders, you can access the document you need in a matter of seconds using just your mouse and keyboard. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) allows you to make these digital versions of your documents text-searchable and editable, making them even easier to work with. Digitizing your documents will save your company an enormous amount of time and effort.

Digital documents are also easier to protect than paper versions. When stored electronically, documents containing sensitive information are much more secure. You can restrict access to certain files through permissions, only allowing those who absolutely need to do so to access them. You’ll also be able to keep track of who has accessed files and when they were accessed. Digitized documents provide you with enhanced version control, applying time and date stamps to your files so you’ll always know when edits were made and by whom, and ensure you’re always working with the updated version. This audit trail will help you remain compliant with regulations such as HIPAA and Sarbanes–Oxley.

Digitizing your documents improves collaboration within a company. In paper form, only one person can work on a document at a single time. However, in electronic form, these files can be edited simultaneously, eliminating the need to send versions back and forth from employee to employee. This is particularly valuable for companies with multiple locations or offices. Digital documents can be quickly and easily routed throughout your company and workflow while their progress and status are tracked.

Perhaps most important of all, digital versions of your documents enable you to backup your files and protect them against catastrophic data loss. Paper documents are much more vulnerable than electronic files and can be permanently wiped out by a fire, flood, or a natural disaster. On the other hand, digital documents can be backed up and stored either in the cloud or at a different location, ensuring you don’t lose them in the event of one of these catastrophes. Could your business survive the loss of all of its files and records?

As you can see, your company would be better off digitizing its paper documents. It’s an affordable solution that will improve efficiency, data security, collaboration, and document security within your organization. Contact us today to speak to one of our specialists and begin turning your workplace into a paper-light office.