Every small business or large organization needs personnel trained in IT solutions and managing office equipment. But how many of them can afford this?

One problem is potentially spending on services the business doesn’t need. Another is finding enough qualified people to cover a wide range of IT issues. Yet even for small businesses, the ideal number of IT specialists and necessary equipment can be too high to justify such an investment.

This is usually when companies turn to a managed service provider and consider outsourcing various tasks and operations that need such expertise.

What Is a Managed Service Provider?

A managed service provider takes care of a company’s various outsourcing needs. It can include everything from office equipment management and configuration to IT infrastructure security.

Many believe that managed service providers are only helpful to small businesses. But in reality, they work with businesses of all sizes, including large enterprises. Most managed service providers have flat monthly fees and offer customizable service packages.

This way, companies only pay for the outsourcing they need and nothing else. The provider works remotely and deploys solutions via the internet. Sometimes, they can intervene on-site and repair equipment, perform firmware upgrades, connect new network devices, etc.

But what makes a managed service provider most valuable to a company?

Benefits and Drawbacks of Using a Managed Service Provider

Outsourcing can work for every type of company regardless of the size, industry, and capital. However, you reap more benefits if you know the positive and negative aspects of using managed services. This will help you choose the right partner for the job.


Managed services offer critical advantages to companies without the payroll or infrastructure to create specialized in-house departments. But some stand out more than others in certain situations.

  • Ongoing Maintenance – A managed service provider is tasked to prevent problems from happening rather than intervening after issues arise. Although fully capable of fixing software and hardware issues, they constantly monitor devices and activities to ensure nothing goes wrong, and businesses run smoothly.
  • Round-the-Clock Expertise – Many companies can’t afford to hire experts in IT, office equipment repairs, and other technical areas. Therefore, they can choose to hire professionals on a per-contract basis or work with managed service providers. The latter is usually on retainer and has entire teams of experts monitoring activities, troubleshooting, and fixing problems in various areas of the business.
  • Ensuring Continuity – Business continuity should be a top priority for every company. Documents, applications, digital information, and everything else is at risk. Anything from natural disasters to theft, security breaches, and data corruption can cause significant losses. A managed service provider can store backups and create disaster recovery plans to ensure companies have business continuity and excellent uptime.
  • Implementing the Latest Technology – Managed service providers often offer cloud-based solutions so employees can do their jobs faster and better. In these situations, companies don’t have to spend as much on workstations and physical infrastructure and potentially end up with unusable, obsolete inventory. It’s a pay-as-you-use system that can result in significant savings.


Using a managed service provider can also create some setbacks if companies outsource to the wrong partners.

  • Niche Expertise – No managed service provider offers support for all existing software applications. Some might specialize in technology their clients already use and others may require businesses to change their technology solutions and equipment. These situations can inconvenience small businesses. At the same time, support for third-party applications not found in the provider’s service package might not be possible.
  • Limitations of Remote Partnerships – A managed service provider can have a long list of services, including on-site support, when necessary. But this is contingent on proximity. Unfortunately, many companies end up working with providers from different cities, states, and countries. Choosing someone that’s far away may not interfere with remote monitoring but greatly limits real-world interventions.

Using a Local Provider Is the Solution

A local managed service provider offers more value than an experienced company that can’t fix problems in the physical office. Local service providers can respond faster and more efficiently to maintenance emergencies.

They can install and configure new office equipment and network devices on-site. Some even help with supply deliveries for printers, scanners, and other office equipment.

But most importantly, local managed service providers don’t have to use long, multi-step phone calls and email communications to resolve an issue. Instead, they can quickly dispatch a technician to ensure the job gets done correctly on the first attempt.

Therefore, companies outsourcing managed services experience fewer workflow interruptions, productivity issues, and downtime. Moreover, it’s easier for a managed service provider to offer personalized services and maintain a great relationship with local clients.

Even better, having on-site technicians makes it easier to instruct employees on using various office equipment, software solutions, and devices. Companies save time and money if they can reduce the amount of time invested in training employees on proper operating procedures.

How to Find the Best Solution for Your Company

Your search for a managed service provider should begin with local offerings. But not everyone in your area will have the necessary skills, expertise, and service package to meet your needs.

First, ensure that you can benefit from both remote and in-person support. Secondly, familiarize yourself with the provider’s technology suite, hardware, and cloud-based solutions. Then, inquire about their experience in your field and the types of services they provide.

You’ll want someone who can check all the boxes to avoid entering a partnership that doesn’t offer enough coverage for issues common in your industry.

If you’re looking for a San Francisco-based managed service provider, contact Golden Gate Office Solutions for an assessment. Or feel free to reach out and learn more about how outsourcing IT, security, and other operations can benefit your company.