Documentation isn’t the most glamorous job in a healthcare provider’s office. However, it is one of the most important. Healthcare professionals make life-or-death decisions based on getting fast and accurate information. Meanwhile, patients trust the office to keep their paperwork highly secure.

Medical facilities must balance data protection regulations like HIPAA and the need for document access at a moment’s notice. A business’s printer flow determines whether they keep up with these demands or fall short. Managed Print Services (MPS) can help. MPS streamlines document usage, reduces wasted time and resources, and protects patient privacy.

Managed Print Services: What is It?

Managed Print Services is a program that streamlines a business’s printing infrastructure by outsourcing the management, optimization, and oversite of your imaging equipment. The company that offers this service assesses how an office handles its printing processes. It addresses any inefficient areas and keeps the print systems moving smoothly.

This may be done by upgrading hardware and software, troubleshooting design, and offering tech support. The MPS provider is here to help meet your printing needs today and in the future.

What does this actually look like? There are six stages to adopting an MPS strategy.

  1. When you contact the service provider, they’ll discuss your business’s needs, workflows, and concerns.
  2. The company may send someone in to observe workflow or check how your printers are functioning and their placement. Data collection software may record print jobs or note paper waste.
  3. Once they have a picture of how your healthcare business prints and manages documents, they’ll make recommendations. This is a good time to discuss Managed Print Services pricing and the timeline for implementation.
  4. In healthcare-related businesses, it’s often vital that employees continue to have access to databases and printing services during this period. Your MPS provider should be able to keep up with your print needs during the transition.
  5. Once Managed Print Services are in place, the provider will take care of regular maintenance, limiting the need for emergency repairs. They may also handle security updates.
  6. Finally, some MPS plans will restock supplies such as paper and toner. These can be scheduled in advance, or monitoring software may alert the provider when supplies are low.

What Can MPS Do for Healthcare Providers?

More to the point, how can an MPS help your healthcare organization? The simple answer is that Managed Print Services offers you control over printing and data. This control lets your clinic trim costs and reduces wasted time and resources. Additionally, efficiency will be increased along with better data protection.

Reduced Cost

Managed Print Services does have an initial set-up cost and predictable recurring expenses. Over time, it can save your clinic a significant amount of money. Ongoing monitoring and regular maintenance ensure maximum uptime and minimal repairs. Reducing wasted paper and ink may not sound like much but take a close look at your budget. Chances are, printing costs make up several percent of your expenses.

An MPS plan can also save another valuable resource: employee time. Your employees may be spending hours struggling with jammed equipment, installing security updates, and restocking supplies. An MPS provider will take over these jobs on your practice’s behalf. This lets medical personnel concentrate on patient care. However, the service doesn’t just shuffle work onto different people; it makes sure the job is done better.

Monitoring software can signal when supplies are low and time for replenishment. The skilled technicians sent over can get repairs and software upgrades done quickly. They may also bring in backup equipment while the work is going on. All of this ensures that there is no gap in your office’s print capabilities, so you can continue providing an excellent standard of care.

Increased Efficiency

An efficient system lets you print the documents needed on-demand and without waste. One of the ways Managed Print Services helps you hit this mark is by giving you information. These plans monitor printing and resource usage. You can use this information to trim waste or to proactively provide more support. If one department is much busier, you can move extra equipment in to meet their needs.

Print monitoring also lets you track usage trends over time. This data helps you predict surges in demand. You can stockpile supplies ahead of time or remind employees how to operate rarely-used pieces of equipment.

Finally, an efficient system is a well-maintained one. Your MPS provider will send over technicians to check equipment and perform maintenance tasks routinely. Fast and accurate printing is vital in a medical setting. After all, a single unreadable word may dramatically change a diagnosis or plan of care. Maintenance increases print efficiency, reduces errors, and can extend the life of your machines.

Data Security

Data security is one of the top concerns in the healthcare industry. Unfortunately, one weak link in the print services chain can jeopardize client data. These weak links may come from many places. An outdated piece of equipment might be vulnerable to hacking. A security fob could be misplaced. Through simple human error, a patient’s file can be sent to a different printer and viewed by the wrong person.

Managed Print Services sets up safeguards to reduce the chance of these breaches. Upgrading equipment and patching security programs are one strategy. MPS can also give you top-level control over data. You’ll monitor the life cycle of a patient file, from when it was accessed to where it was sent to who picked up the printed document. With this information, you can maximize data security and stay HIPAA compliant.

Reduce Waste, Boost Efficiency, and Protect Medical Data with MPS

What can MPS do for your healthcare facility? The service assesses the devices you have and how they’re used. It then increases printing efficiency by upgrading or replacing old machines. Devices are moved around to where they’re needed most. You can rely on regular restocking of printing supplies, maintenance, and emergency repair services. Finally, your Managed Print Services provider will work with you to protect your clients’ data and keep your clinic fully compliant with HIPAA.

Are you wondering about how Managed Print Services can streamline your healthcare office in the San Francisco Bay Area? Contact Golden Gate Office Solutions today to learn more.